We did it! We survived our first year of raising triplets and everyone came out on the other side in one piece. Phew! Ryan and I are still living in different states for the next couple of weeks, but we reunited the whole Manning clan to celebrate the babies' first birthdays. Violet and I hopped on a jet plane in Colorado Springs and flew all the way to Louisville for the event. Violet did so well on the plane. We had a layover going both ways, so she took 4 flights total.
For three of the four flights I was fortunate enough to end up with an empty seat beside me. This was an absolute blessing because it gave us a little play space when she wasn't sleepy. The other flight? Yikes! We were in the back corner next to the window with a 6'5" man wearing a cowboy hat in the center row and a 300 pound man sitting in front of us who decided to recline his seat. The sheer weight of this man caused him to creep another 3 inches into our space. Let's just say it was a bad flight. 30 minutes of screaming before she finally fell asleep and then I was too pinned in to even get to my book under the seat in front of us. On the other three flights, though, she was just a dream.

When we arrived in Louisville, Ryan came to pick me up with Lincoln and Keira. I was expecting lots of excitement, screaming, and giggles as the kids saw each other again. I really wanted to film it. To be honest, I'm glad I didn't. I was pretty disappointed with the lukewarm reception. Keira got a little excited when she saw me, but that was about it. People are always asking me what it was like when they saw each other again, and I'm considering making up a better story. I guess I should just be pleased that there was no stranger danger.
First few moments together. Stealing food from each other. |
The trip to Louisville was a two day whirlwind. Since our home is still under renovation, we decided we would take the kiddos to the zoo for the morning as their birthday celebration. We only invited family and the crowd was relatively small. We didn't do anything fancy, just walked around the zoo for a bit and enjoyed the company of our dearly missed family. We ate lunch at the zoo, saw a couple more animals and headed home. The day was exactly what I wanted it to be. Easy and focused on family. Even Ryan's 84-year-old Granny endured the heat with us!
Arrived at the zoo ready to party! |
Meeting up with Granny at the zoo. Lincoln says, "Nice wheels, Granny!" |
Lincoln getting snuggled by his cousin. |
More cousin snuggles. |
My brother and his little girl pushing Violet, Lincoln, and Keira. |
The Manning crew. |
Ryan and my brother off-roading with Granny. Best pic of the day! |
Ryan's dad with his granddaughter. |
Manning family photo! |
Leaving the zoo for the day. |
So, I realize this wasn't the birthday party a lot of you were expecting to see. I often feel that when I tell people what we did for Keira, Lincoln, and Violet's first birthday, I leave them feeling a bit underwhelmed. I think that's alright. I tried really hard to consider what I wanted to accomplish by celebrating their first birthday and the only thing that kept coming to mind was "being with family."
As the kids are growing older right before our very eyes, I think a lot about what I want their childhood to be like. I think if I were to describe my vision in one word it would be "simple." I know that sounds odd. I just want them to appreciate the joy of running through the sprinklers, riding their bicycles, reading books, and making snow ice cream. I want them to understand that relationships trump things. Every time. I want them to feel loved always and I hope that they grow to be humble adults with giving hearts.
Goodbye, Lincoln and Keira! |
Goodbye Violet! |
And we're home! |
Does anyone else hear the song "Ridin' Dirty" playing in their heads? |
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