Monday, November 26, 2012

Round Three...and We're Off!

More needles this time around.  Sad.
Today is the official beginning of IVF cycle number three.  Since they are timing this round with my natural menstrual cycle, the start of my period wasn't just the start of my period.  It marked the next round of medical intervention as well as the confirmation that we still can't make it happen naturally.  

On Wednesday, I go into the doctor's office for baseline blood work and to receive the calendar with the official date for the embryo transfer.  It will likely be the week of December 10th.  We have four embryos left and they are all of lesser quality than the two that we used during the last transfer.  That makes me nervous.  Hopefully, a more positive state of mind and overall better health will outweigh this sad fact.  

Honestly, I'm a little disappointed that our break from the Reproductive Endocrinologist has come to an end.  I was enjoying the freedom from thinking about all of this stuff.  After spending three months thinking of nothing but having a baby, the two months off was incredibly refreshing.  The good news is, we only have a month to go before we know whether or not this is going to be our road to baby.  Here's praying.   


  1. keeping everything crossed for you! We'll be headed for an FET come January...I too am enjoying the break...Wishing you all the best with this next cycle!

  2. Hi, I have been following you through your journey and I also chatted with you a few times on the fertilitycommunity board (my screen name was Boston's_Mama). I am so hopeful that your upcoming FET will work. I just wanted to tell you that my FET in September was my last shot at getting pregnant. I also had four embryos left and when they thawed they were all lower quality than any of the embryos I had used in the past. For that reason we ended up transferring three embryos with the following potential success rates: singleton - 35%, twins - 12%, and triplets - 2%. I just wanted to let you know that it is possible with lower quality embryos. With my June FET my RE gave me a success rate of 70% because of the quality of my embryos and that round was a bust. As far as acupuncture, the best thing for me about it was that it relaxed me so much, but I agree that you might not be getting all the benefits if it gives you such bad anxiety. Is there anyone in your area that does fertility massage? There is a spa close to my fertility clinic that the RE's highly recommend because of the added benefits they provide. Maybe massage would be better for you than acupuncture. If you are like me, I was willing to try anything to get this thing to work! I will be thinking of you and praying for you next Wednesday! Best of luck!!
