Sunday, July 8, 2012

Our IVF Adventure Begins

Ryan and I have been together for almost five years and have been married for the last three.  At the risk of sounding cliche, we are best friends.  During our years together, we have had tons of adventures and made many wonderful friends.  We assumed, like many married couples do, that when the time was right, we would have a family.  

When we first started trying to make a baby, we were super excited.  We would talk about our dreams and discuss ideas about the type of parents that we hoped to be.  At first, we thought it was just a matter of time.  After several months of nothing, discouragement began to set in.  Every 27-28 days like clockwork, we would find out we weren't having a child and the heartbreak would set in.  It became too much for us, we needed answers.

In February of this year, we began the first of a long series of tests to determine whether or not there was anything that could be done to help us.  During this time, I read every book on fertility that I could get my hands on.  I became a walking fertility encyclopedia.  But, to no avail.  After testing and retesting, we discovered that all of our effort and knowledge couldn't outperform our medical situation. As a couple, we were diagnosed infertile.  

Fortunately, we have a type of infertility that can be addressed by using the modern technology of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).  If at all possible, it would be my dream to carry Ryan's child, so we're going to move forward with the process.  Tomorrow, we go to the doctor's office to finalize our decision and to set up the final tests before we begin.  I will chronicle our IVF adventure here.   


  1. I love you and cannot wait to see you soon! I have so many friends who successfully have had children through IVF. And you two will be happy parent soon as well. I just know it! If there's anything I can do if assist or offer support, I'll be here for you. Love you with all my heart. Xoxoxo.

  2. I am so excited for you guys and sad too that it has been a discouraging road. I know you guys will get a chance at a family soon. Love you!
